I became politically and socially aware in high school, in the late 60s. Since then, I have tried to point out social injustice, racial disparity, and educate others about systemic racism.
In the aftermath of the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and so many others, I’ve been outraged, heartsick and incredulous that we live in a country that regards some people as “other”. I want to try to make a difference, so I’m creating a line of beautiful lamps that celebrate black lives in a way that can educate, enlighten and spark conversation.
Each limited edition lamp features two prominent black lives with a quote from each, accented with a gorgeous African textile print. Lamps featuring other historical figures will be offered every month or so.
Follow Glogoods on Instagram and Facebook for updates.
FIFTY PERCENT of the price of each lamp will be donated to a non-profit organization that specifically supports black lives.
My pick for the initial non-profit is THE SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER whose work has been ‘dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society’, since 1971.
Black lives matter.
Bette Allen